Red Beat Diary


Hung Up (on you) [Frisk CM song] - A.J.Croce

イメージ 1

イメージ 2

イメージ 3

 A.J.Croce - Piano,Guitar,Organ,Vocals

1. Don't Let Me Down
2. Baby Tonight
3. Call Me Dear
4. Lying On The Ground
5. Too Soon
6. I Believe
7. Upside Down
8. Cold
9. You're Not There
10. Alone & Together
11. Hung Up (on you)
12. What You Want
13. Almost Angeline
14. How Long

All songs by A.J.Croce
© 2006 Croce Publishing

(〃⌒ー⌒)/どもっ♪ 毎日更新目標の たつ(⌒▽⌒)です♪

久しぶりに このコーナーUP!


『Frisk』 このCMソングが むっちゃ気になってまして やっと手に入れました^^

このお方の紹介は 後々ってことで

おなじみのCM画像で 音楽動画UPしましたので どうぞ(⌒▽⌒)

             Hung Up (on you)/A.J.Croce [Frisk CM Song Hello Idea]

Hung Up (on you)

 How come the worlds off track    『How Come』=『どうして?』
 How come do governments attack
 How come you won't call me back
 How come the dollars king
 How come it's everything
 How come the phone won't ring
 How come the uphill climb
 How come there's so much crime
 How come the bell won't chime


 You've got my number
 You know just what to do
 You've got the answers too
 I tried and tried but I never could get through
 I'm just hung up on you


 How come God lost control
 How come the human soul
 How come the line won't toll
 How come the funeral pyre
 How come the forest fire
 How come you never wire
 How come is man so vile
 How can he reconcile
 How come you just won't dial


 Oh honey let your fingers do the walking
 I'll listen close to what you say
 I've got a mind to speak but you can do the talking
 I know you want to anyway
